Which of the following best describes why a president would issue an executive order? (1 point)

Ⓒ in order to provide instructions on how they would like a law to be enforced

in order to request Congress to fulfill their constitutional duties in times of recess

in order to make an appointment to the cabinet

in order to provide a generalized pardon to a group of individuals who violated a federal law

Ⓒ in order to provide instructions on how they would like a law to be enforced

The best description of why a president would issue an executive order is (1 point) to provide instructions on how they would like a law to be enforced.

The best description of why a president would issue an executive order is option C: in order to provide instructions on how they would like a law to be enforced.

To determine the correct answer, we need to understand the purpose of an executive order. An executive order is a directive issued by the President of the United States that manages operations of the federal government. It is based on the President's authority as outlined in the Constitution or delegated by Congress.

Option A, which mentions providing instructions on how a law should be enforced, aligns with the purpose of an executive order. The President can use executive orders to clarify or provide specific guidance on the implementation of existing laws.

Option B, requesting Congress to fulfill their duties, is not a typical reason for issuing an executive order. The President can communicate with Congress through other means, such as speeches or official correspondence, but executive orders primarily pertain to the executive branch of government.

Option C, making an appointment to the cabinet, is not the primary purpose of an executive order. Appointments to the cabinet typically require Senate confirmation, and while an executive order may be used to announce or formalize an appointment, it is not the sole purpose.

Option D, providing a generalized pardon for individuals who violated federal law, is also not the primary reason for issuing an executive order. Pardons are typically granted on a case-by-case basis, and a generalized pardon to a group of individuals would typically require legislation or some other legal process.

Therefore, option C is the best description of why a president would issue an executive order.