To help fund local government, Jeremy, as a home owner, must pay?

Property tax.
Sales tax.
Income tax.
Gas tax.

Property tax.

To help fund local government, Jeremy, as a home owner, must pay property tax.

To determine which tax Jeremy, as a homeowner, must pay to help fund local government, we need to consider the different types of taxes and their relevance to home ownership.

1. Property tax: This tax is based on the assessed value of the property that Jeremy owns. It is typically levied by local governments and used to fund local services such as schools, law enforcement, and infrastructure. Homeowners usually receive a property tax bill annually or semi-annually, which they are required to pay.

2. Sales tax: Sales tax is imposed on the purchase of goods and services. While homeowners do contribute to sales tax through their purchases, it is not directly tied to their property ownership.

3. Income tax: Income tax is a tax levied on the income earned by individuals. Homeowners, like any other taxpayer, may have income tax obligations based on their earnings but not specifically tied to their property ownership.

4. Gas tax: Gas tax is a tax imposed on the sale of gasoline and other motor fuels. While homeowners may pay this tax when they purchase gasoline for their vehicles, it is not directly linked to their property ownership.

Based on the options provided, the most relevant tax for Jeremy, as a homeowner, would be property tax.