of the 225 guests invited to Leslie's party , 185 attended. What percent of the invited guest attended?

To find the percentage of invited guests who attended the party, divide the number of guests who attended (185) by the number of guests invited (225) and multiply by 100.

Percentage attended = (185/225) * 100
Percentage attended = 0.8222 * 100
Percentage attended = 82.22%

Approximately 82.22% of the invited guests attended the party.

To find the percent of invited guests who attended Leslie's party, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Calculate the number of guests who attended the party.
Given: Number of invited guests = 225, Number of guests who attended = 185

Number of guests who attended = 185

Step 2: Calculate the percentage of guests who attended.
To find the percentage, divide the number of guests who attended by the number of invited guests and then multiply by 100.

Percentage of guests who attended = (Number of guests who attended / Number of invited guests) × 100

Percentage of guests who attended = (185 / 225) × 100

Percentage of guests who attended = 0.8222 × 100

Percentage of guests who attended ≈ 82.22%

Therefore, approximately 82.22% of the invited guests attended Leslie's party.

To find the percentage of guests who attended Leslie's party, you would need to divide the number of guests who attended by the number of guests who were invited and then multiply by 100.

First, let's calculate the number of guests who attended:
185 guests attended the party.

Next, let's calculate the number of guests who were invited:
225 guests were invited to the party.

Now, let's find the percentage of guests who attended:
(185/225) * 100 = 82.2%

Therefore, approximately 82.2% of the invited guests attended Leslie's party.