which of the following is an example of economic structure of the kingdom of ghana?

1. the kingdom of Ghana focused of trading with other nations
2. the kings of Ghana did not convert to islam
3. ironsmiths were highly respected
4. the king of Ghana was an absolute monarch

1. the kingdom of Ghana focused on trading with other nations

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The example of economic structure of the Kingdom of Ghana is option 1: the kingdom of Ghana focused on trading with other nations.

To determine which of the following options is an example of the economic structure of the Kingdom of Ghana, we need to understand what the economic structure of Ghana was like.

The Kingdom of Ghana, which existed from around the 4th to the 13th century, was a prosperous empire that was located in present-day western Africa. It was known for its involvement in long-distance trade, particularly in salt and gold.

Now let's evaluate each option:

1. The Kingdom of Ghana focused on trading with other nations: This option is correct. The Kingdom of Ghana was a major trading empire and traded with various nations, which played a significant role in their economic structure.

2. The kings of Ghana did not convert to Islam: While religion played a role in the Kingdom of Ghana, this option does not specifically relate to the economic structure of the kingdom. The focus here is on the religion of the kings rather than the economic activities.

3. Ironsmiths were highly respected: While this option speaks to the social structure of the Kingdom of Ghana, it does not directly relate to the economic structure. Respect for ironsmiths is a cultural aspect rather than an economic one.

4. The king of Ghana was an absolute monarch: This option addresses the type of monarchy present in the Kingdom of Ghana. While the political structure impacted the economic structure, it does not directly explain the economic aspects.

Based on the above analysis, option 1, "the Kingdom of Ghana focused on trading with other nations," is the correct example of the economic structure of the Kingdom of Ghana.