Mrs. Huang bought 16 dozens of eggs. She broke 1 24 of them accidentally. How many eggs had she left?

Mrs. Huang bought 16 dozens of eggs, which is equivalent to 16 x 12 = <<16*12=192>>192 eggs.

Therefore, she had 192 - 1/24 x 192 = 192 - 8 = <<192-8=184>>184 eggs left. Answer: \boxed{184}.

To find out how many eggs Mrs. Huang had left, we need to perform the following steps:

Step 1: Convert dozens to individual eggs.
Mrs. Huang bought 16 dozens of eggs.
Since 1 dozen equals 12 eggs, we multiply 16 by 12.
16 x 12 = 192 eggs

Step 2: Calculate how many eggs were broken.
Mrs. Huang broke 1/24 of the eggs.
To find out how many eggs were broken, we calculate 1/24 of the total number of eggs.
192 x (1/24) = 8 eggs

Step 3: Subtract the broken eggs from the total number of eggs.
To find out how many eggs Mrs. Huang had left, we subtract the broken eggs from the total number of eggs.
192 - 8 = 184 eggs

Therefore, Mrs. Huang had 184 eggs left after breaking 1/24 of them accidentally.

To solve this problem, we need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Determine the total number of eggs Mrs. Huang bought.
Since one dozen is equal to 12 eggs, Mrs. Huang bought 16 x 12 = 192 eggs.

Step 2: Calculate the number of eggs that were broken.
If 1/24 of the eggs were broken, it means 192 x (1/24) = 8 eggs were broken.

Step 3: Subtract the number of broken eggs from the total number of eggs to find the number of eggs Mrs. Huang had left.
Mrs. Huang had 192 - 8 = 184 eggs left.

Therefore, Mrs. Huang had 184 eggs left.