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Describe the best place to put your long term goals.
(1 point)

Because I have a good memory, my mind is the best place for my goals so no one else will know what they are.
Because I have a good memory, my mind is the best place for my goals so no one else will know what they are.

Since I lose things all the time, I will write them down and give them to my mother to put them away in a safe place.
Since I lose things all the time, I will write them down and give them to my mother to put them away in a safe place.

Because I am in front of my bathroom mirror at least once a day, I will tape them to my mirror as a constant reminder of what I want to accomplish.
Because I am in front of my bathroom mirror at least once a day, I will tape them to my mirror as a constant reminder of what I want to accomplish.

Although I am only there every other weekend, I put my list of goals on the dresser at my cousin’s house since he’s going to help me with them.
Although I am only there every other weekend, I put my list of goals on the dresser at my cousin’s house since he’s going to help me with them.
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The best place to put your long-term goals would be in a location that is easily accessible and serves as a constant reminder. This could be in your mind if you have a good memory and want to keep them private. Alternatively, you could write them down and keep them in a safe place, such as giving them to your mother to store. Another option is to tape them to your bathroom mirror so that you see them every day and are reminded of what you want to achieve. If you have someone who is helping you with your goals, you could also consider putting them in a visible location at their house, such as on a dresser. The key is to choose a place that works best for you and enables you to stay focused and motivated towards reaching your long-term goals.

The best place to put your long-term goals would be in a place where you can easily access and see them regularly as a constant reminder. This could be in your mind if you have a good memory and want to keep them private. Alternatively, you can write them down and keep them in a safe place, such as giving them to your mother to put away. Another option is to tape them to your bathroom mirror, as you are likely to see it daily and be reminded of your goals. If you have someone who is going to help you with your goals, you can also consider putting them in a visible spot at their house, such as on a dresser.

U sure

Yes, I'm confident in my response. The best place to put your long-term goals is in a location that you can easily access and see regularly as a constant reminder. This can be in your mind, if you have a good memory and want to keep them private. Alternatively, writing them down and keeping them in a safe place, such as giving them to your mother, can also be effective. Another option is to tape them to your bathroom mirror as a daily reminder. If you have someone who is supporting you in achieving your goals, you can consider placing them in a visible spot at their house, such as on a dresser. Ultimately, choose a location that works best for you and ensures that you stay focused and motivated towards reaching your long-term goals.

The best place to put your long-term goals is in a location that is convenient and easily accessible to you, and where you will be regularly reminded of them. This could vary depending on your personal preferences and habits.

One possible option is to keep your goals in your mind, as you mentioned in the first two responses. If you have a good memory and want to keep your goals private, this might be a suitable choice. However, it's important to note that relying solely on your memory might be risky, as you could easily forget or overlook your goals over time.

Another option is to write down your goals and store them in a safe place, as mentioned in the second response. This is a good strategy if you tend to lose things often and want to ensure that your goals are securely kept. Giving them to someone you trust, like your mother, to hold onto would help ensure their safety.

Another option is to place your goals in a location where you will see them regularly, like taping them to your bathroom mirror as mentioned in the third response. This serves as a constant reminder and can help keep your goals at the forefront of your mind as you go about your daily routine.

Lastly, if you have a specific location or environment that is significant to your goals, such as your cousin's house mentioned in the fourth response, you can choose to keep your goals there. Having a physical reminder of your goals in a place where you spend time and where you will receive support can be beneficial.

Ultimately, the best place to put your long-term goals is wherever works best for you and aligns with your lifestyle and habits. Choose a location that will help you stay focused and motivated towards achieving your goals.