Select the correct word from the drop-down list. (1 point) Sentences with are wordier because they have an additional helping verb and sometimes the word by. Sentences with are more clear and concise.

Sentences with are wordier because they have an additional helping verb and sometimes the word "by". Sentences with "are" are more clear and concise.

The correct word from the drop-down list is "are".

To select the correct word from the drop-down list, you would need the actual list of words to choose from. Unfortunately, as an AI text-based model, I don't have access to visual elements or drop-down lists. However, based on the context you provided, it seems like you are being asked to choose a word that fits within the sentence structure.

In the given sentence, the word "are" is used to compare two types of sentences. Without the drop-down list, I cannot give you the exact word you should select. However, considering the context and the comparison being made, you might want to choose a word that contrasts with "wordier" to describe sentences that are "clear and concise." Possible options could be "concise," "succinct," or "brief," depending on what is provided in the drop-down list.