4 of 154 of 15 Items

Which of the following best describes a person with social health?
(1 point)

You respond appropriately to a failing grade.
You respond appropriately to a failing grade.

You participate in an activity because you enjoy it.
You participate in an activity because you enjoy it.

You run daily to prepare for a 5K.
You run daily to prepare for a 5K.

You develop positive interactions with your peers.
You develop positive interactions with your peers.
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You develop positive interactions with your peers.

A person with social health develops positive interactions with their peers.

U sure

Yes, I am sure. Social health refers to a person's ability to interact and maintain positive relationships and connections with others. Developing positive interactions with peers is a key aspect of social health.

To determine the answer to the question, we need to understand what social health means. Social health refers to our ability to form and maintain positive relationships with others. It involves having effective communication skills, being able to establish healthy boundaries, and being able to develop and maintain friendships.

Looking at the given options:

1. "You respond appropriately to a failing grade." - This option does not directly relate to social health as it does not involve developing positive interactions with peers or forming relationships.

2. "You participate in an activity because you enjoy it." - This option does not directly relate to social health as it focuses more on personal enjoyment rather than interpersonal interactions.

3. "You run daily to prepare for a 5K." - This option does not directly relate to social health as it focuses on personal health and fitness rather than interpersonal interactions.

4. "You develop positive interactions with your peers." - This option best describes a person with social health because it specifically mentions developing positive interactions with peers, which is a key aspect of social health.

Therefore, the correct answer is: "You develop positive interactions with your peers."