In this activity, you will plan a safe and healthy meal.

We now know how important healthy nutrition is for the development of young minds. Pretend you are working in an elementary school and working with a group of 4th graders on a Health and Nutrition Unit. To kick off the unit, you are going to prepare them a nutritious breakfast they will eat when they walk into the classroom on Monday morning.

Task 1: Use the knowledge from the My Plate video and website to create a balanced breakfast. In one paragraph, describe what foods you will include in your breakfast. Don’t forget to mention the serving size you’ll give them and the food group it is from. Explain why you made the choices you did.

One aspect you may want to analyze is which foods will promote cognitive development for children going to school. Questions to consider: Which breakfast choices will keep them fueled until lunch?

Task 2: Now that you have your menu, write what steps you will take to ensure the food and environment are safe and sanitary. You will be using the school kitchen to prepare the food. What will you do before, during, and after food preparation to ensure the food is safe to eat?

Task 1: For the balanced breakfast for the 4th graders, I will include whole grain toast with peanut butter, a small bunch of grapes, and a glass of low-fat milk. The serving size of the whole grain toast will be one slice, the grapes will be approximately 10 pieces, and the milk will be half a cup.

The whole grain toast and peanut butter provide carbohydrates and healthy fats, which are important for providing energy and promoting cognitive development. Grapes are a good source of vitamins and antioxidants, which are essential for brain health. Low-fat milk is rich in protein and calcium, which are necessary for growth and development. This combination of foods will provide a balanced mix of macronutrients and micronutrients to keep the children fueled until lunch.

Task 2: To ensure the food and environment are safe and sanitary, I will take the following steps before, during, and after food preparation:

1. Before food preparation, I will wash my hands thoroughly with warm water and soap for at least 20 seconds to prevent the spread of bacteria and viruses. I will also ensure that all cooking utensils and surfaces are clean and sanitized.

2. During food preparation, I will separate raw food from ready-to-eat food to avoid cross-contamination. I will use different cutting boards and knives for fruits and bread, and for peanut butter spreading. I will also keep perishable ingredients like milk refrigerated until they are ready to be used.

3. I will cook the toast at the recommended temperature to ensure it is thoroughly cooked and safe to eat. I will also ensure that the peanut butter is free from any contamination and stored properly in a clean container.

4. After food preparation, any leftovers or uneaten food will be discarded properly to prevent the growth of bacteria. All utensils, cutting boards, and surfaces will be washed and sanitized. I will clean the kitchen thoroughly to maintain a safe and sanitary environment for future use.

By following these steps, I will ensure that the food prepared for the 4th graders' breakfast is safe to eat and that the school kitchen remains clean and sanitary.

Task 1: To create a balanced breakfast for the 4th graders, I would include foods from each food group to ensure they receive a variety of nutrients.

For grains, I would provide whole wheat toast or a small whole grain bagel. I would offer one serving of a protein source such as scrambled eggs or low-fat yogurt. Adding a variety of fruits like sliced bananas or berries would provide vitamins and fiber from the fruits group. Serving them a portion of low-fat milk or a small glass of 100% fruit juice would cover the dairy group. Lastly, a small serving of nuts or a tablespoon of peanut butter would provide healthy fats and protein from the oils group.

The goal is to include whole grains for sustained energy, proteins for fullness, fruits for vitamins and fiber, dairy for calcium, and oils for healthy fats. By offering a balanced breakfast, the 4th graders will have the necessary nutrients to support cognitive development and maintain energy levels until lunch.

Task 2: To ensure the food and environment are safe and sanitary, I would follow these steps:

Before food preparation:
1. Clean and sanitize the kitchen surfaces, utensils, and equipment to prevent cross-contamination.
2. Wash hands thoroughly with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds.
3. Check the expiration dates of all ingredients and discard any that have expired.
4. Review food safety guidelines and refresh the knowledge of proper food handling techniques.

During food preparation:
1. Separate raw and cooked foods to prevent cross-contamination.
2. Cook eggs and other proteins to the recommended internal temperature to kill bacteria.
3. Use clean utensils and surfaces when handling different food items.
4. Keep perishable ingredients, such as dairy and eggs, refrigerated until ready for use.

After food preparation:
1. Store any leftovers and unused ingredients properly in sealed containers in the refrigerator.
2. Clean and sanitize all utensils, surfaces, and equipment used during food preparation.
3. Wash hands thoroughly after handling food and cleaning up the kitchen.
4. Regularly inspect and maintain the kitchen to ensure it is clean and in good condition.

Following these steps will help minimize the risk of foodborne illnesses and ensure that the breakfast is safe and sanitary for the 4th graders to consume.

Task 1: To create a balanced breakfast for the 4th graders, you can consider including foods from different food groups to ensure a variety of nutrients. For example, you can provide whole grain toast or cereal as a source of carbohydrates, which will provide energy and keep them fueled until lunch. Including protein-rich foods like eggs or yogurt will help with their cognitive development as protein is necessary for brain function and concentration. You can also add fruits such as berries or sliced bananas to provide essential vitamins and fiber. Additionally, a small glass of low-fat milk or a serving of cheese can be included to provide calcium for strong bones and teeth. To ensure proper portion sizes, you might consider providing one slice of toast, a small serving of cereal, a single boiled egg or a small cup of yogurt, a handful of berries, and a small glass of milk.

Task 2: To ensure the food and environment are safe and sanitary, you should follow several steps before, during, and after food preparation.

Before preparation:
1. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.
2. Clean and sanitize all surfaces, utensils, and equipment you'll be using.
3. Check the expiration dates and quality of the ingredients you're using.
4. Make sure all ingredients are stored properly to prevent cross-contamination.

During preparation:
1. Continue washing your hands regularly, especially after handling raw ingredients.
2. Use separate cutting boards and utensils for different foods (e.g. meat, vegetables) to prevent cross-contamination.
3. Cook food at the appropriate temperature to kill harmful bacteria (e.g. eggs should be fully cooked).
4. Avoid touching your face or hair while handling food.

After preparation:
1. Store any leftovers promptly in the refrigerator to prevent bacterial growth.
2. Clean and sanitize all surfaces and utensils used during preparation.
3. Dispose of any waste properly.
4. Monitor the temperature of the food while serving to ensure it stays within safe limits.

By following these steps, you can help ensure that the food prepared in the school kitchen is safe to eat for the students.