If the total distance covered to cape town was 1420 km, calculate the average speed (in km /h) at which they drove , correct to two decimal places.

Use formula: average speed = distance × time
*they left 6am and reached their destination at 23:20

To calculate the average speed, we need to know the time it took to drive to Cape Town.

They left at 6am and arrived at 23:20, so the total time of the journey can be calculated as follows:

Time = (23 hours + 20 minutes) - 6 hours
Time = 17 hours + 20 minutes
Time = 17.33 hours (rounded to two decimal places)

Now, we can use the formula:

Average speed = distance / time

Average speed = 1420 km / 17.33 hours

Calculating this, the average speed is approximately 82.01 km/h (rounded to two decimal places).

To calculate the average speed, we need to divide the total distance by the total time taken.

First, we need to calculate the total time taken:
The time they left is 6 am, and they reached their destination at 23:20 (11:20 pm).
So, they traveled for a total of 17 hours and 20 minutes.

Now, let's convert the 20 minutes to hours:
Since there are 60 minutes in an hour, we divide 20 by 60 to get 0.33 hours.

Now, let's add the 0.33 hours to the 17 hours:
17 + 0.33 = 17.33 hours

Now, we can calculate the average speed:
Distance = 1420 km
Time = 17.33 hours

Average speed = Distance / Time
Average speed = 1420 km / 17.33 hours

To calculate this, we divide 1420 by 17.33:
Average speed ≈ 81.96 km/h

Therefore, the average speed at which they drove is approximately 81.96 km/h.

To calculate the average speed, we first need to find the time it took to cover the distance from the given departure and arrival times.

1. Convert the departure time (6am) and arrival time (23:20) to a 24-hour format.
- Departure time: 6am = 06:00
- Arrival time: 23:20 = 23:20

2. Calculate the time difference between the departure and arrival times:
- Time difference = Arrival time - Departure time
- Time difference = 23:20 - 06:00

To calculate the average speed, we need to convert the time difference to hours.

3. Convert the time difference to hours:
- Time difference in minutes = (23 * 60 + 20) - (6 * 60)
- Time difference in hours = time difference in minutes / 60

Now that we have the time in hours, we can calculate the average speed.

4. Use the given formula to find the average speed:
- Average speed = distance / time

Plug in the given values:

- Distance = 1420 km
- Time = time difference in hours

5. Calculate the average speed:
- Average speed = 1420 km / (time difference in hours)

Calculate the time difference in minutes, and then convert it to hours:

- Time difference in minutes = (23 * 60 + 20) - (6 * 60)
- Time difference in hours = (time difference in minutes) / 60

Plug in the values and calculate the average speed:

- Average speed = 1420 km / (time difference in hours)

Round the average speed to two decimal places to get the final answer.