which author seems to possess a more positive review of human nature?

It is difficult to determine which author possesses a more positive review of human nature without specific authors being mentioned. Different authors have different perspectives, and their views on human nature can vary greatly.

However, certain authors are known for their generally positive views of human nature. For example, Mark Twain often showcased the resilience, wit, and innate goodness of the common people in his works. His books like "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" and "Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" often focus on the potential for growth and moral development within individuals.

Additionally, authors like Jane Austen and Leo Tolstoy have been praised for their compassionate portrayal of human nature and their exploration of moral values and virtues in their respective works. They often emphasize the ability of individuals to overcome their flaws and make positive choices.

Ultimately, the perception of human nature is subjective and dependent on the reader's interpretation. Therefore, it is important to read various authors and explore different viewpoints to form a well-rounded understanding of human nature.

Determining which author possesses a more positive review of human nature can be subjective, as different authors approach the topic in different ways. However, for the purpose of this response, let's consider two authors who generally have positive views of human nature: Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Ralph Waldo Emerson.

1. Jean-Jacques Rousseau:
Rousseau, an influential philosopher of the 18th century, believed that human beings are inherently good but corrupted by society. In his work "Discourse on Inequality," Rousseau argues that humans are born compassionate and cooperative, but societal structures and inequality lead to negative behaviors. He idealizes a simple, natural state of being and emphasizes the potential for humans to live harmoniously.

2. Ralph Waldo Emerson:
Emerson was an American essayist, poet, and philosopher of the 19th century. His transcendentalist philosophy embraced the conviction that human beings have the capacity for goodness and personal growth. Emerson believed in the inherent divinity of human nature, emphasizing individualism, self-reliance, and the power of intuition. He celebrated the potential for human progress and the ability to connect with the universal spirit.

While both Rousseau and Emerson have positive views of human nature, Rousseau focuses more on the impact of society, while Emerson emphasizes the individual's potential for self-improvement. Ultimately, your perspective may be influenced by your own interpretation and preference for the ideas presented by these or other authors.

To determine which author seems to possess a more positive review of human nature, we can look for evidence in their works. Here's how you can approach this:

1. Select authors: Choose two authors whose works you want to compare. For example, let's consider Jane Austen and Fyodor Dostoevsky.

2. Read their works: Familiarize yourself with the selected authors by reading their books or short stories. In this case, look for novels like "Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen and "Crime and Punishment" by Fyodor Dostoevsky.

3. Analyze themes and characters: Pay attention to the themes and characters presented in their works. Look for instances where the authors highlight positive qualities or virtues in their characters, or if they explore optimistic views about humanity.

4. Consider character development: Observe whether the authors' characters undergo positive transformations or exhibit positive qualities over the course of the story. Look for instances where the authors depict personal growth, kindness, empathy, or any other positive traits in their characters.

5. Evaluate overall tone: Assess the overall tone of the authors' works. Do they convey a sense of hope, happiness, or optimism in their portrayal of human nature?

6. Read reviews and critical analysis: Consult literary reviews, critical essays, or scholarly analysis that discuss the authors' perspectives on human nature. These secondary sources can provide insight into how the authors' works are interpreted by experts.

By following these steps, you can develop a perspective on which author seems to possess a more positive review of human nature based on the evidence found in their writings. Remember, individual interpretations may differ, so it's essential to consider multiple viewpoints and form your own opinion.