What other sport does volleyball most resemble?

Volleyball most closely resembles the sport of tennis. Both sports involve hitting a ball back and forth over a net between two teams. Additionally, they require similar athleticism, hand-eye coordination, footwork, and quick reaction times.

Volleyball most closely resembles the sport of beach volleyball. Beach volleyball is a variation of indoor volleyball played on sand with only two players on each side, while traditional indoor volleyball is played on a hard court with six players on each side. However, both sports share many similarities in terms of rules, scoring, and techniques.

To find this answer, you can look into the basic characteristics of both sports. Consider the number of players on each side, the playing surface, the scoring system, and the basic rules of each sport. By comparing these factors, you can identify which sport volleyball most closely resembles.

Volleyball is a unique sport in many ways, but if we were to compare it to another sport in terms of gameplay and some similarities, beach volleyball would be the closest resemblance. Both sports involve teams of players trying to hit a ball over a net and prevent it from touching the ground on their side of the court. However, beach volleyball is typically played with two players per team on sand, while indoor volleyball is played with six players per team on a hard court.

What other sport does volleyball most resemble? (1 point) Responses Football Football Golf Golf Water polo Water polo Surfing

Water polo. Water polo has similar aspects to volleyball, such as passing and shooting a ball across a net (in this case, a goal). Both sports require teamwork, strategy, and quick reflexes. Additionally, players in both sports need to have good swimming skills.