Which statement about an objective summary is true?(1 point)


It conveys the central idea of the text.
It conveys the central idea of the text.

It quotes the text directly.
It quotes the text directly.

It includes the writer's opinion of the text.
It includes the writer's opinion of the text.

It describes each detail from the text.

It conveys the central idea of the text.

The true statement about an objective summary is: It conveys the central idea of the text.

The statement that is true about an objective summary is: "It conveys the central idea of the text." An objective summary is a concise and unbiased summary that focuses on the main idea of the text. It provides a brief overview of the key points and important details without including any personal opinions or interpretations. To create an objective summary, one should carefully read the text, identify the main idea or thesis statement, and then summarize the main points in a clear and concise manner.


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