Which option describes precise language

A: specific words that give the reader a clear image
B: words that are related to a specific subject area
C: statements that give the characteristics of an object
D: language that includes slang and contractions

A: specific words that give the reader a clear image

The option that describes precise language is A: specific words that give the reader a clear image. Precise language refers to using specific words and details that convey a clear and vivid image to the reader.

The option that describes precise language is option A: specific words that give the reader a clear image.

To understand this, it is important to break down the options and understand their meanings:

A: Specific words that give the reader a clear image - This option suggests that precise language involves using specific words that paint a vivid and clear picture in the reader's mind. This means choosing words that are exact and unambiguous, leaving no room for confusion or misinterpretation.

B: Words that are related to a specific subject area - This option implies that precise language is limited to words that are specifically associated with a particular field or topic. While using subject-specific terminology is important for clarity in specialized contexts, it is not the primary criterion for precise language.

C: Statements that give the characteristics of an object - This option suggests that precise language involves providing the qualities or attributes of an object. While this can contribute to precision, it does not encompass the entirety of precise language.

D: Language that includes slang and contractions - This option refers to the use of informal and colloquial language, including slang words and contractions. However, precise language is typically formal and avoids the use of slang or contractions to ensure accuracy and clarity.

Considering the above analysis, the correct answer is option A, which highlights the use of specific words that create a clear image in the reader's mind.