What is the purpose of a concluding section? Select the two correct answers

A. to explain how the author arrived at their central point
B. to tie together the main points of the text
C. to introduce a few additional interesting facts
D. to point to wider issues connected to the topic
E. to interest readers in the next topic the author plans to explore

B. to tie together the main points of the text

D. to point to wider issues connected to the topic

To determine the purpose of a concluding section, we need to understand the overall function of a conclusion. The conclusion is the final part of a text or an essay that brings everything together and provides closure. It serves to summarize the main points, reinforce the central message or argument, and leave a lasting impression on the reader.

Based on this understanding, the two correct answers for the purpose of a concluding section are:

B. to tie together the main points of the text: The conclusion should recapitulate the key ideas and arguments presented throughout the text and show how they support the overall message.

D. to point to wider issues connected to the topic: In some cases, the conclusion may expand the discussion to broader implications or raise additional questions related to the topic that encourage further exploration.

A. to explain how the author arrived at their central point: While this can be a valid component of a conclusion in certain types of academic or research papers, it is not a universal purpose for concluding sections and therefore not one of the two correct answers.

C. to introduce a few additional interesting facts: Introducing new information in the conclusion is generally discouraged, as it should primarily focus on summarizing the main content already presented.

E. to interest readers in the next topic the author plans to explore: While transitions to future topics or studies might be relevant in some contexts (such as the introduction), it is not a specific purpose of the concluding section.

The purpose of a concluding section is to tie together the main points of the text and to point to wider issues connected to the topic. Therefore, the correct answers are:

B. to tie together the main points of the text
D. to point to wider issues connected to the topic