Determine if the quantities in the data table are in a proportional relationship if they are not in a proportional relationship indicate why?hours 1 money 9 hours 2 money 18 hours 3 money 27 hours 4 money 36

The quantities in the data table are in a proportional relationship. This is because for every hour, the amount of money earned increases by 9. Therefore, the ratio of money to hours remains constant at 9:1.

To determine if the quantities in the data table are in a proportional relationship, we need to check if the ratio between the hours and money remains constant.

Let's calculate the ratio between the hours and money for each set of data:

- For the first set: 1 hour / 9 money = 0.111...
- For the second set: 2 hours / 18 money = 0.111...
- For the third set: 3 hours / 27 money = 0.111...
- For the fourth set: 4 hours / 36 money = 0.111...

Since the ratio between the hours and money remains constant at approximately 0.111..., we can conclude that the quantities in the data table are in a proportional relationship.

To determine if the quantities in the data table (hours and money) are in a proportional relationship, we need to compare the ratios of the hours and money values. If the ratios are equal for all pairs of values, then the quantities are in a proportional relationship.

First, let's calculate the ratios for all pairs of values:

- Ratio between hours 1 and money 9: 1/9 = 1/9
- Ratio between hours 2 and money 18: 2/18 = 1/9
- Ratio between hours 3 and money 27: 3/27 = 1/9
- Ratio between hours 4 and money 36: 4/36 = 1/9

Since the ratios between hours and money values are all equal to 1/9, we can conclude that the quantities are indeed in a proportional relationship. In this case, for every hour increase, the corresponding increase in money is consistent.

Therefore, based on the given data, the quantities of hours and money are in a proportional relationship.