which of the following singular answers tests are usually administered after an applicant is selected

drug test
integrity test

The most common singular answer test that is usually administered after an applicant is selected is the drug test.

After an applicant is selected, the most common singular answer tests that are administered are drug tests and integrity tests. Polygraph tests (also known as lie detector tests) and graphology tests (handwriting analysis) are less commonly used in the selection process.

After an applicant is selected, one of the singular answers tests that are commonly administered is the drug test.

To determine this, you can analyze the purpose and common practices associated with each of the options provided:
1. Polygraph: A polygraph, also known as a lie detector test, is used to measure physiological changes in a person to assess truthfulness or deception. However, the use of polygraph tests in employment decisions is highly controversial and restricted in many jurisdictions due to concerns about accuracy and invasion of privacy.
2. Drug test: A drug test is a screening process to detect the presence of illegal substances or the misuse of prescription drugs. It is often administered in various stages of the hiring process, primarily when an applicant has been selected for a position. Drug tests can help employers assess whether candidates are using drugs that may impact job performance or violate company policies.
3. Integrity test: An integrity test evaluates an individual's attitude toward honesty, trustworthiness, and ethical behavior within a work setting. While integrity tests are often used as part of the selection process, they are typically administered before an applicant is selected to assess their suitability for employment.
4. Graphology: Graphology, also known as handwriting analysis, attempts to interpret an individual's character traits or personality based on their handwriting. However, graphology is generally regarded as pseudoscience and is not commonly used in modern employment selection.

Based on this analysis, it is evident that out of the options provided, drug tests are typically administered after an applicant is selected for a position.