A ziggurat is what kind of pyramid?

A ziggurat is a step pyramid.

A ziggurat is a rectangular stepped pyramid.

To determine the type of pyramid that a ziggurat is, we first need to understand what a ziggurat is and the different types of pyramids.

A ziggurat is a type of ancient temple tower found in Mesopotamia. It originated in ancient Sumer (modern-day southern Iraq) and was constructed by the Sumerians and later used by other civilizations in the region. Ziggurats typically had a rectangular or square base, multiple tiers or levels, and a terraced structure.

Now, in terms of pyramids, there are different types based on their shape and structure. The most well-known type is the Egyptian pyramid, which has a triangular shape and smooth, sloping sides that meet at a point (known as an apex). Egyptian pyramids were primarily built as tombs for pharaohs and were made of limestone or granite.

However, a ziggurat does not have the same shape as an Egyptian pyramid. While both are large structures with multiple levels, a ziggurat has a rectangular or square base with each tier or level decreasing in size as it ascends. This gives the ziggurat a stepped or terraced appearance.

Therefore, based on its shape and structure, a ziggurat is not a type of pyramid in the traditional sense. It is a distinct architectural form associated with ancient Mesopotamian cultures.