A farmhouse has a height of 2.307 x 10^8 meters convert to centimeters

To convert meters to centimeters, we need to multiply the height by 100 because there are 100 centimeters in a meter.

So, the height in centimeters would be (2.307 x 10^8) * 100.

First, we can multiply the numerical part which is 2.307 x 100 = 230.7.

Next, we multiply the exponent part, which gives us 10^(8+2) = 10^10.

Therefore, the height in centimeters is 230.7 x 10^10 centimeters.

To convert from meters to centimeters, you need to multiply the value by 100.

Given that the height of the farmhouse is 2.307 x 10^8 meters, you can perform the conversion as follows:

2.307 x 10^8 meters * 100 = 2.307 x 10^10 centimeters

Therefore, the height of the farmhouse is 2.307 x 10^10 centimeters.

To convert a measurement from meters to centimeters, you need to multiply by 100.

So, to convert 2.307 x 10^8 meters to centimeters, you can multiply it by 100:

2.307 x 10^8 meters * 100 = 2.307 x 10^10 centimeters

Therefore, a farmhouse with a height of 2.307 x 10^8 meters is equivalent to 2.307 x 10^10 centimeters.