what is author purpose to “to a million merciful and sneering men,” from the poem Untitled poem

The phrase "to a million merciful and sneering men" is not from a specific poem entitled "Untitled poem." As the title suggests, the poem is untitled. Thus, it is not possible to determine the author's purpose for a specific phrase from a poem with an unknown title.

"To a million merciful and sneering men" is a line from the poem "Untitled poem" by Fanny Howe. However, without the complete context of the poem or any additional information, it is challenging to determine the exact author's purpose behind this specific line. To fully understand the author's purpose, it is recommended to analyze the entire poem and consider the themes, imagery, and language used throughout the text.

To determine the author's purpose in a poem, it is important to analyze the poem's content, style, and tone. However, as per your request, the poem you mentioned is untitled, making it difficult to assess the author's exact intention. Nonetheless, I can guide you on how to explore the author's purpose in a poem.

1. Read the poem carefully: Start by understanding the overall message, themes, and emotions conveyed in the poem. Look for recurring ideas or imagery that may provide insight into the author's purpose.

2. Analyze the title (if available): Although this particular poem is untitled, poem titles can often hint at the main purpose or subject matter. Consider how the absence of a title may affect the interpretation of the poem.

3. Examine the language used: Pay attention to the poet's choice of words, metaphors, and imagery. Look for the tone, whether it is angry, sorrowful, joyful, or contemplative. The choice of language can offer clues about the author's purpose.

4. Consider the historical and cultural context: Assessing when and where the poem was written can help provide context for understanding the author's purpose. Historical events, societal issues, or personal experiences might influence the poet's intentions.

5. Look for patterns and techniques: Poets often use various literary devices, such as alliteration, rhyme, or repetition, to emphasize their purpose. Identify these patterns and techniques to gain insights into the author's intentions.

Remember, understanding an author's purpose in a poem requires interpretation, and different readers may have varying interpretations. It's always essential to support your analysis with evidence from the text.