Which word indicates a literal meaning tone, analogy, connotation denotation


The word that indicates a literal meaning is "denotation."

The word that indicates a literal meaning is "denotation".

To understand the difference between denotation and connotation, here's how you can figure it out:

1. Look up the word in a dictionary: A good place to start is to consult a reputable dictionary. Look for the definition of the word you are trying to understand. The dictionary definition will provide you with the denotation of the word, which refers to its literal or primary meaning.

2. Consider the context: The connotation of a word refers to the associated feelings, ideas, or emotions that it implies. It may vary depending on the context in which the word is used. To identify the connotation of a word, you should carefully examine the sentence or passage to see how the word is used and what emotions or ideas it may evoke.

For example, let's consider the word "snake":

- Denotation: The denotation of "snake" refers to a legless reptile characterized by a long, slender body and no eyelids.

- Connotation: However, the connotation of "snake" may vary depending on the context. In certain situations, "snake" can represent deception or betrayal, while in other contexts, it could symbolize wisdom or transformation.

So, when you are looking for a word that indicates a literal meaning, you would choose "denotation".