multiply 4.82 x 10^12 and 256.7. show your work.

To multiply 4.82 x 10^12 and 256.7, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert 4.82 x 10^12 to standard notation.
4.82 x 10^12 = 4,820,000,000,000

Step 2: Multiply the two numbers.
4,820,000,000,000 x 256.7 = 1,239,434,000,000

Therefore, the result of 4.82 x 10^12 multiplied by 256.7 is 1,239,434,000,000.

To multiply two numbers in scientific notation, you need to multiply their coefficients (the decimal numbers) and add their exponents. Here are the steps to multiply 4.82 x 10^12 and 256.7:

Step 1: Multiply the coefficients:
4.82 x 256.7 = 1239.594

Step 2: Add the exponents:
10^12 x 10^0 = 10^12+0 = 10^12

Step 3: Combine the coefficient and the exponent:
The final answer is 1239.594 x 10^12.

So, when you multiply 4.82 x 10^12 and 256.7, the result is 1239.594 x 10^12.

To multiply 4.82 x 10^12 and 256.7, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Write down the numbers in scientific notation format:
4.82 x 10^12

Step 2: Multiply the two decimal numbers:
4.82 x 256.7 = 1238.994

Step 3: Multiply the powers of 10:
10^12 x 10^0 = 10^12

Step 4: Multiply the result from step 2 with the result from step 3:
1238.994 x 10^12 = 1.238994 x 10^15

So, multiplying 4.82 x 10^12 and 256.7 gives you the result of 1.238994 x 10^15.