Roman has $40 to spend on snacks for his camping trip. He plans to buy protein bars that cost three dollars each in individual bags of trail mix that cost two dollars each if X represents the number of protein bars that Roman bars and wine represents the number of individual bags of trail mix that Roman bars which equation represents this situation.

3X + 2W = 40

Let's define the variables:

X = number of protein bars Roman buys
Y = number of individual bags of trail mix Roman buys

According to the given information:
The cost of each protein bar = $3
The cost of each individual bag of trail mix = $2

The total amount Roman spends on protein bars = X * 3
The total amount Roman spends on individual bags of trail mix = Y * 2

The total amount Roman spends on snacks should be equal to the $40 he has:
X * 3 + Y * 2 = 40

Therefore, the equation that represents this situation is:
3X + 2Y = 40

To find the equation representing this situation, we need to consider the costs of protein bars and bags of trail mix.

Let's break down the situation:
- The cost of each protein bar is $3.
- The cost of each bag of trail mix is $2.

Now, let's introduce the variables:
- Let X represent the number of protein bars that Roman buys.
- Let Y represent the number of bags of trail mix that Roman buys.

Since Roman has $40 to spend, we can create an equation based on the cost of the items he plans to buy. The equation will represent the total cost:

Total cost = (cost per protein bar * number of protein bars) + (cost per bag of trail mix * number of bags of trail mix)

Mathematically, this can be written as:
Total cost = (3 * X) + (2 * Y)

Hence, the equation representing this situation is:
Total cost = 3X + 2Y