How can a free press hold the government accountable?

(1 point)

hosting opinion panels
hosting opinion panels
offering prior restraint
offering prior restraint
accessing classified information
accessing classified information
summarizing government actions

accessing classified information

A free press can hold the government accountable through several means:

1. Hosting opinion panels: By organizing and hosting discussions and debates on various government policies and actions, the press allows different viewpoints to be presented, evaluated, and discussed. This fosters public awareness and engagement, holding the government accountable for its decisions.

2. Offering prior restraint: The press can exercise its right to publish or broadcast critical information about the government even before it becomes official. This serves as a proactive measure to prevent the government from engaging in unethical or illegal activities while ensuring transparency and accountability.

3. Accessing classified information: By obtaining and reporting on classified information, the press can shed light on government actions that might otherwise remain hidden from the public. This allows citizens to be informed and raises questions about the government's accountability in those actions.

4. Summarizing government actions: The press plays a crucial role in summarizing and reporting on the actions and policies of the government. By providing accurate and unbiased summaries, the press helps citizens understand and evaluate government actions, facilitating accountability and public scrutiny.

Overall, the free press acts as a watchdog, questioning, investigating, and reporting on the activities of the government, which ultimately helps hold the government accountable to the people it serves.

Which news stories have the most direct influence on the political process? Select all that apply.

(1 point)

effects of new laws
effects of new laws
stock market reports
stock market reports
reports of world events
reports of world events
coverage of primary speeches
coverage of primary speeches
discussions of health problems
discussions of health problems
investigations of corporations

effects of new laws

A free press plays a crucial role in holding the government accountable by informing the public about government actions, policies, and decisions. Here are a few ways a free press can fulfill this role:

1. Hosting opinion panels: By organizing and facilitating discussions and debates on various government policies and actions, the press provides a platform for experts and citizens to express their opinions and hold the government accountable for its decisions.

2. Offering prior restraint: Prior restraint refers to the ability of the press to publish information without government interference or censorship. By having the freedom to report and publish stories without prior censorship, the press can act as a watchdog, reporting on government actions without fear of reprisal or manipulation.

3. Accessing classified information: Investigative journalism often relies on accessing classified information to uncover important facts and expose potential wrongdoing or unethical behavior within the government. By obtaining and reporting on such information, the press can hold the government accountable for its actions.

4. Summarizing government actions: The press plays a crucial role in summarizing and disseminating information about government actions to the public. By reporting on government decisions, policies, and actions in a clear and understandable manner, the press keeps the public informed and engaged, allowing them to hold the government accountable through their awareness and involvement.

It is important to note that these methods should be exercised responsibly, adhering to ethical principles and professional standards to ensure accurate and unbiased reporting.

Imagine a political candidate, Maria Gutierrez. Gutierrez has appeared on television several times as part of multi-candidate debates. However, she is also invited often to discuss and debate views by herself on a popular news channel.

Use the passage to answer the question.
How will the news channels preference most likely affect the political process?
(1 point)

It will make viewers more likely to want to know more about Gutierrez’s rivals.
It will make viewers more likely to want to know more about Gutierrez’s rivals.
It will make viewers more likely to believe that Gutierrez is an important contender in the election.
It will make viewers more likely to believe that Gutierrez is an important contender in the election.
It will make viewers more likely to disagree with Gutierrez’s views.
It will make viewers more likely to disagree with Gutierrez’s views.
It will make viewers more likely to think that Gutierrez is competent.

It will make viewers more likely to believe that Gutierrez is an important contender in the election.