Which describes nuclear fusion?(1 point) Responses starts when a neutron slams into an atom, causing two atoms to form one, heavier atom starts when a neutron slams into an atom, causing two atoms to form one, heavier atom starts when a neutron slams into an atom, causing the larger atom to split into two smaller atoms starts when a neutron slams into an atom, causing the larger atom to split into two smaller atoms starts when two atoms slam together to form one, heavier atom starts when two atoms slam together to form one, heavier atom starts when two atoms slam together, causing the larger atom to split into two smaller atoms

starts when two atoms slam together to form one, heavier atom

The correct response is: starts when two atoms slam together to form one, heavier atom.

Nuclear fusion is a process in which two atoms slam together to form one, heavier atom. So the correct response is "starts when two atoms slam together to form one, heavier atom". This process releases a large amount of energy and is the principle behind how the sun and other stars produce energy. It occurs at incredibly high temperatures and pressures, forcing the atomic nuclei to overcome the electrostatic repulsion and come close enough for the strong nuclear force to bind them together. To confirm this information, you can also search for "nuclear fusion" in reliable scientific sources.

Which describes nuclear fission?(1 point) Responses starts when a neutron slams into an atom, causing two atoms to form one, heavier atom starts when a neutron slams into an atom, causing two atoms to form one, heavier atom starts when two atoms slam together, causing the larger atom to split into two smaller atoms starts when two atoms slam together, causing the larger atom to split into two smaller atoms starts when two atoms slam together to form one, heavier atom starts when two atoms slam together to form one, heavier atom starts when a neutron slams into an atom, causing the larger atom to split into two smaller atoms

The correct response is: starts when a neutron slams into an atom, causing the larger atom to split into two smaller atoms.

What does the evidence supporting the Big Bang theory assume about the universe when it began? Select the two correct answers.(1 point) Responses It was contracting It was contracting It was extremely hot. It was extremely hot. It was composed of ice. It was composed of ice. It was very tiny.

The correct responses are:

- It was extremely hot.
- It was very tiny.

The evidence supporting the Big Bang theory assumes that the universe began as an extremely hot and compact state, often referred to as a singularity or a small point.