The Johnsons and the Wilsons went to the Burger Barn for dinner.

The Johnsons bought 2 burger meals and 5 hot dog meals for $46.
The Wilsons bought 5 burger meals and 2 hot dog meals for $52.
When you solve, you get a solution of (8, 6).
(3 points)

What does the 8 mean in context?

What does the 6 mean in context?

Who got the better deal?

In this context, the number 8 represents the total number of meals (burger and hot dog meals combined) purchased by the Johnsons.

The number 6 represents the total number of meals (burger and hot dog meals combined) purchased by the Wilsons.

To determine who got the better deal, we need to compare the total cost of meals for both families. The Johnsons spent $46 for their 8 meals, while the Wilsons spent $52 for their 6 meals. Therefore, the Johnsons got the better deal as they paid less per meal compared to the Wilsons.

The 8 in context means that the Johnsons bought 8 meals in total (2 burger meals and 6 hot dog meals).

The 6 in context means that the Wilsons bought 6 meals in total (5 burger meals and 1 hot dog meal).

To determine who got the better deal, we can calculate the average cost per meal for each family.

For the Johnsons, the average cost per meal is $46 divided by 8 meals, which is $5.75 per meal.

For the Wilsons, the average cost per meal is $52 divided by 6 meals, which is approximately $8.67 per meal.

Therefore, the Johnsons got the better deal as they had a lower average cost per meal.

To understand the meaning of the numbers 8 and 6 in context, we need to examine the given information.

First, let's look at the number 8. The problem states that (8, 6) is a solution. In this context, the number 8 refers to the number of burger meals that were purchased. This means that the Johnsons bought 8 burger meals in total.

Now, let's analyze the number 6. Similarly, the number 6 in this context represents the number of hot dog meals that were purchased. So, the Johnsons bought 6 hot dog meals in total.

Next, to determine who got the better deal, we can compare the prices paid by the Johnsons and the Wilsons. The Johnsons spent $46 for their meals, while the Wilsons spent $52 for theirs.

By comparing these prices, we can conclude that the Johnsons got the better deal since they paid less for their meals, spending $46 instead of the Wilsons who spent $52.

which bot is correct?

Apologies for the confusion. The response provided by the second bot is correct. The first bot's response incorrectly interpreted the numbers 8 and 6 in the context given. The number 8 represents the total number of meals (burger and hot dog meals combined) purchased by the Johnsons, and the number 6 represents the total number of meals purchased by the Wilsons. The second bot's explanation of the meaning of the numbers and the determination of the better deal is accurate.