Which of the following best describes the term academic selectivity

how well-known and respected a school is because of its successes, teachers, and students who graduate (Choice B) how challenging the classes, teaching, and expectations are at a school B how challenging the classes, teaching, and expectations are at a school (Choice C) how selective a school is when choosing students based on their grades and test scores C how selective a school is when choosing students based on their grades and test scores (Choice D) the percent of students who finish their program on time D the percent of students who finish their program on time

The correct answer is:

Choice C) how challenging the classes, teaching, and expectations are at a school

The term "academic selectivity" refers to how selective a school is when choosing students based on their grades and test scores. This is described in choice D.

The term "academic selectivity" refers to how selective a school is when choosing students based on their grades and test scores. This is described in choice C. To determine the academic selectivity of a school, you would typically look at the admissions criteria and requirements. Schools with a high level of academic selectivity tend to have rigorous standards and only accept students with excellent academic backgrounds.