Krystal has 7 lbs of fresh dewberries.

She uses
2/3 lb of dewberries to make a pint
of dewberry jam. Krystal only uses the dewberries needed to make whole pints of jam and she makes as many pints as possible.

How many pounds of dewberries will Krystal have left over?

A. 1/2
B. 1/6
C. 10 1/2
D. 1/3

Since Krystal needs 2/3 lb of dewberries to make 1 pint of jam, we can find the number of pints she can make by dividing the total weight of dewberries by 2/3.

7 lbs ÷ 2/3 lb/pint = 7 lbs × 3/2 lb/pint = 21/2 pints

Krystal can make 10 1/2 pints of jam with the 7 lbs of dewberries.

To find out how many pounds of dewberries will be left over, we subtract the amount used for making the jam from the total weight of dewberries:

7 lbs - 10 1/2 pints × 2/3 lb/pint = 7 lbs - 7 lbs = 0 lbs.

Therefore, Krystal will have 0 pounds of dewberries left over.

The correct answer is not provided in the multiple choice options.

To solve this problem, we need to find out how many whole pints of dewberry jam Krystal can make with her 7 lbs of dewberries.

We know that it takes 2/3 lb of dewberries to make a pint of jam. So, we can divide 7 lbs by 2/3 lb to find the number of whole pints Krystal can make.

To divide fractions, we invert the divisor and multiply:
7 lbs ÷ (2/3 lb) = 7 lbs × (3/2 lb)

Now, we multiply the numerators (7 × 3) and the denominators (1 × 2) to get our answer:
= (7 × 3) / (1 × 2)
= 21 / 2
= 10 1/2

So, Krystal can make 10 1/2 pints of dewberry jam with her 7 lbs of dewberries.

To find out how many pounds of dewberries she will have left over, we need to subtract the amount used to make the jam from the initial amount.

Let's subtract 10 1/2 pints from 7 lbs:
7 lbs - 10 1/2 pints = 7 lbs - (10 × 2/2 + 1/2)
= 7 lbs - (20/2 + 1/2)
= 7 lbs - (21/2)

Next, we subtract the fractions:
7 lbs - (21/2) = (7 × 2/2) - (21/2)
= 14/2 - 21/2
= (14 - 21) / 2
= -7/2

So, Krystal will have -7/2 lbs of dewberries left over.

Since the answer choices do not include a negative fraction, we can rewrite -7/2 as -3 1/2.

Therefore, Krystal will have 3 1/2 pounds of dewberries left over.

The correct answer is not provided in the provided responses.

To find out how many pints of dewberry jam Krystal can make, we need to divide the total weight of dewberries she has by the weight needed to make one pint of jam.

7 lbs ÷ (2/3 lb/pint) = 7 lbs × (3/2 lb/pint) = 21/2 pints

Since Krystal can only make whole pints of jam, she can make 10 pints (since 21/2 is equal to 10 whole pints) and have some dewberries left over.

Therefore, Krystal will have 7 lbs - (10 pints × 2/3 lb/pint) = 7 lbs - (20/3) lbs = 7 lbs - 6 2/3 lbs = 1/3 lbs of dewberries left over.

The answer is D. 1/3.


Yes, the correct answer is D. 1/3. Krystal will have 1/3 lb of dewberries left over.