find the cube root of 81: ^3 81.

The cube root of 81 is 4.

To find the cube root of 81, we can use the formula:

Cube root of a number = number^(1/3)

Applying this formula to 81, we get:

Cube root of 81 = 81^(1/3)

Calculating 81^(1/3), we find:

Cube root of 81 = 4.3267487109222245

So, the cube root of 81 is approximately 4.3267487109222245.

To find the cube root of 81, you can use a calculator or solve it manually. Here is how you can find the cube root manually:

Starting with an estimation: Take any number you think might be close to the cube root of 81. Let's choose 4.

1. Cube the estimation: 4^3 = 64. Since 64 is smaller than 81, we know that the cube root of 81 is greater than 4.

2. Adjust the estimation: Increase the estimation slightly and try again. Let's try 5.

3. Cube the new estimation: 5^3 = 125. Since 125 is larger than 81, we know that the cube root of 81 is smaller than 5.

4. Refine the estimation: To get a more accurate answer, we can use a decimal estimation. Let's try 4.5.

5. Cube the decimal estimation: 4.5^3 = 91.125. Since 91.125 is greater than 81, we know that the cube root of 81 is between 4.0 and 4.5.

6. Continue narrowing down the estimation by trying other values between 4.0 and 4.5 until you find a number whose cube is close to 81.

By following these steps, you will find that the cube root of 81 is approximately 4.3267.