Use the table to answer the question.

Choices Frequency Relative Frequency (%)
Baseball 15 ?
Football 26 ?
Soccer 18 ?
Volleyball 11 ?
Swimming 23 ?
After gathering the data and completing the table, the third most liked sport has a relative frequency of [Response]%.

(1 point)

The third most liked sport has a relative frequency of 18%.

To find the relative frequency of the third most liked sport in the table, we need to identify the sport with the third highest frequency and its corresponding relative frequency.

Looking at the table, the frequencies for each sport are as follows:
Baseball - 15
Football - 26
Soccer - 18
Volleyball - 11
Swimming - 23

To find the third most liked sport, we arrange the frequencies in descending order:
Football - 26
Swimming - 23
Soccer - 18
Baseball - 15
Volleyball - 11

We can see that the third most liked sport is soccer with a frequency of 18.

Now, we need to find the relative frequency of soccer. The formula for relative frequency is:
Relative Frequency (%) = (Frequency / Total Frequency) x 100

The total frequency is the sum of all the frequencies, which in this case is:
Total Frequency = 15 + 26 + 18 + 11 + 23 = 93

So, to find the relative frequency of soccer:
Relative Frequency (%) = (18 / 93) x 100

Calculating this:
Relative Frequency (%) = (0.1935) x 100 = 19.35%

Therefore, the third most liked sport, soccer, has a relative frequency of 19.35%.

To find the relative frequency of the third most liked sport, we look at the table given.

The frequencies for each sport are as follows:
Baseball: 15
Football: 26
Soccer: 18
Volleyball: 11
Swimming: 23

To find the relative frequency, we need to calculate the percentage of each sport out of the total.

The total frequency is obtained by adding up the frequencies of all the sports: 15 + 26 + 18 + 11 + 23 = 93.

To find the relative frequency for each sport, we divide the frequency of each sport by the total frequency and then multiply by 100.

Baseball: (15/93) * 100 = 16.13%
Football: (26/93) * 100 = 27.96%
Soccer: (18/93) * 100 = 19.35%
Volleyball: (11/93) * 100 = 11.83%
Swimming: (23/93) * 100 = 24.73%

Based on this, the third most liked sport (after football and swimming) is soccer with a relative frequency of 19.35%.

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