The process of differentiation is(1 point)


a process by which cells die.
a process by which cells die.

a process by which cells become specialized.
a process by which cells become specialized.

a process by which cells divide.
a process by which cells divide.

a process by which cells repair themselves

is incorrect.

The correct answer is: a process by which cells become specialized. Differentiation refers to the process in which cells undergo changes in gene expression and structure to become specialized and develop specific functions within an organism.

The process of differentiation is(1 point)


a process by which cells die.
a process by which cells die.

a process by which cells become specialized.
a process by which cells become specialized.

a process by which cells divide.
a process by which cells divide.

a process by which cells repair themselves

answer abcd format


The process of differentiation refers to the process by which unspecialized cells, called stem cells, develop into specialized cell types with specific functions in the body. It is a key characteristic of multicellular organisms and is crucial for normal development and maintaining tissue function.

To choose the correct response, we need to understand the definition of differentiation. From the given options, we can rule out the responses that do not align with this definition.

- "A process by which cells die" is not a correct answer because differentiation is not associated with cell death. In fact, differentiation is the opposite of cell death, as it leads to the development of new specialized cells.

- "A process by which cells divide" is also not the correct answer since differentiation is not primarily about cell division. While cell division can occur during the process of differentiation, it is not the defining characteristic.

- "A process by which cells repair themselves" is also incorrect because differentiation does not refer to cell repair. Though cell repair may be part of a broader cellular process, it is not synonymous with differentiation.

So, the correct response is "A process by which cells become specialized." Differentiation involves changes in gene expression that lead to cells acquiring specific characteristics and functions, allowing them to perform specialized tasks in the body.