The table shows a proportional relationship between cups of purple paint and cups of yellow paint in a mixture. What is the constant of proportionality between purple and yellow paint?






To find the constant of proportionality, we can compute the ratio of purple paint to yellow paint for one pair of values in the table. Let's take the first pair: 2 cups of purple paint and 6 cups of yellow paint.

The ratio of purple paint to yellow paint is 2/6 = 1/3.

Since this ratio is constant for all pairs in the table, we can conclude that the constant of proportionality between purple and yellow paint is 1/3.

Therefore, the answer is: A) 1/3.

To determine the constant of proportionality between purple and yellow paint, we need to examine the relationship in the given table. The constant of proportionality is the quotient of any two corresponding values of the two quantities.

Looking at the table, we can see that for every 3 cups of purple paint, there is 9 cups of yellow paint. This means that the ratio of purple paint to yellow paint is always 3:9, or simplified, 1:3.

In other words, for every cup of purple paint, there are 3 cups of yellow paint. Therefore, the constant of proportionality is 3.

So, the answer is B) 3.

To determine the constant of proportionality, we need to compare the relationship between the cups of purple paint and cups of yellow paint in the given table. However, the table is missing, so we cannot provide the exact constant of proportionality.

Please provide the table or the specific values in order to calculate the constant of proportionality.