Logan read about snail shells in his science book.

A snail shell on a leaf.

Snails make their shells by releasing a liquid that hardens and forms a protective covering. More liquid is released over time, and the shells get larger. Some are spiral shaped, and others are cone shaped. These shells protect snails from birds and snakes by sealing the snails away from predators.

Which new idea can Logan form now that he has read the text and seen the photograph?

Snail shells are made from liquid, which might dissolve in wet weather.
Predators do not like spiral-shaped objects.
Snail shells do not change over time.
Snails make their own shells over time, which is why they have a circular or spiral shape.

Snails make their own shells over time, which is why they have a circular or spiral shape.

Snails make their own shells over time, which is why they have a circular or spiral shape.

The new idea that Logan can form now that he has read the text and seen the photograph is that snails make their own shells over time, which is why they have a circular or spiral shape. The text explains that snails release a liquid that hardens and forms their protective shells, and more liquid is released over time, causing the shells to get larger. This information suggests that the shape of the snail shells is a result of the gradual accumulation of the liquid as the snail grows. Therefore, the correct answer is: Snails make their own shells over time, which is why they have a circular or spiral shape.