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In an art classroom, 8 students can sit around 1 table, and 48 students can sit around 6 tables. What is the relationship between the number of students to tables in fraction form? Write the proportion in fraction form without reducing it to the lowest terms.

To find the relationship between the number of students and tables in fraction form, we can create a proportion using the given information.

Let's represent the number of students as "S" and the number of tables as "T".

We know that 8 students can sit around 1 table, so 8 students is equivalent to 1 table.

We also know that 48 students can sit around 6 tables, so 48 students is equivalent to 6 tables.

Using this information, we can set up the proportion:

8 students / 1 table = 48 students / 6 tables

To write it in fraction form without reducing it, we can cross-multiply:

8 students * 6 tables = 48 students * 1 table

48 students * 1 table = 48 students * 1 table

Therefore, the proportion in fraction form without reducing it is:

8/1 = 48/6


Apologies for the incorrect response. Let's try again.

To find the relationship between the number of students and tables in fraction form, we need to determine the ratio of students to tables.

We are given that 8 students can sit around 1 table and 48 students can sit around 6 tables.

So, the ratio of students to tables would be:

8 students / 1 table = 48 students / 6 tables

To write it in fraction form without reducing it, we can express the ratio as:

(8/1) = (48/6)

Therefore, the relationship between the number of students to tables in fraction form, without reducing it, is 8/1 = 48/6.

A motorcycle travels 93 miles in 3 hours. What is the unit rate in miles per hour? (Do not include units in your answer.)(1 point)