Which phrase defines etymology?

the part of speech of a word
the history of a word
the pronunciation of a word
the spelling of a word

The history of a word

The phrase that defines etymology is "the history of a word."

To understand what etymology means, we can break it down. Etymology is the study or investigation of the origin, development, and history of words. It involves tracing the roots and understanding the changes in meaning that a word has gone through over time.

To determine the correct definition, we can analyze the given options:

- "The part of speech of a word": This refers to whether a word is a noun, verb, adjective, etc. It is related to the categorization and function of words, but it is not the definition of etymology.

- "The pronunciation of a word": This pertains to the way a word is spoken or pronounced. While pronunciation is essential in understanding a word, it does not encompass the complete meaning of etymology.

- "The spelling of a word": This refers to the arrangement and sequence of letters that form a word. While spelling is important, it does not describe the historical development and origin of a word.

Therefore, out of the given options, "the history of a word" accurately defines etymology. It focuses on the origin, evolution, and changes in meaning that a word has undergone throughout its existence.

The phrase that defines etymology is "the history of a word."

What can help readers define words?

stressed syllables
etymological patterns
parts of speech

All of the given options can help readers define words, but in different ways.

- Stressed syllables: Knowing the stressed syllables in a word can provide clues about its pronunciation, but it may not directly help define the word.

- Pronunciations: Understanding the correct pronunciation of a word can aid in comprehension and allow readers to communicate effectively. While pronunciation is crucial, it doesn't provide the complete definition of a word.

- Etymological patterns: Examining etymological patterns, such as word origins, roots, and historical development, can provide insights into the meaning and usage of words. This can be particularly useful in understanding unfamiliar or complex terms.

- Parts of speech: Identifying the part of speech of a word (noun, verb, adjective, etc.) can contribute to understanding its grammatical function and usage. However, it may not give a full definition of the word itself.

In summary, while all of these factors can assist in defining words, etymological patterns provide a deeper understanding of a word's meaning and usage over time.

Based on your knowledge of the root "audi," which phrase describes an auditory signal?

a signal that is read
a signal that is seen
a signal that is felt
a signal that is heard

Based on the root "audi," the phrase that describes an auditory signal is "a signal that is heard."

The root "audi" is derived from the Latin word "audire," which means "to hear." Therefore, an auditory signal refers to a signal that can be perceived or sensed through hearing.