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What features are associated with the dynasties of the Tang (618–907) and Song (960–1279)?

(1 point)

economic problems and political violence

economic problems and political violence

prosperity, stable government, and advances in farming

prosperity, stable government, and advances in farming

development of government bureaucracy

development of government bureaucracy

overseas conquests and colonization

overseas conquests and colonization
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The correct response is: prosperity, stable government, and advances in farming.

To answer this question, you can look at the historical records and literature from the time of the Tang (618–907) and Song (960–1279) dynasties. Some primary sources that can provide information on the features associated with these dynasties include historical texts, official documents, and literary works from the time period.

1. Firstly, you can examine the economic situation during these dynasties. Look for information on trade, agriculture, and industries. Check if there were any specific policies or reforms that influenced economic growth or decline.

2. Next, consider the political stability and governance of the Tang and Song dynasties. Look for information on the centralization of power, administrative systems, and effectiveness of government bureaucracy. Identify any major changes or developments in the political structure during these periods.

3. Another feature to consider is the advancement of farming techniques and agricultural productivity. Look for references to agricultural innovations, such as new irrigation methods, improved crop cultivation, or the introduction of new crops. These advancements would have contributed to increased food production and a more prosperous agricultural sector.

By analyzing these primary sources, you can determine the main features associated with the Tang and Song dynasties. From the given options, the correct answer is "prosperity, stable government, and advances in farming."

The features associated with the dynasties of the Tang (618–907) and Song (960–1279) include prosperity, stable government, advances in farming, and the development of government bureaucracy.