What is 12−−√ simplified?(1 point)

Answers since the bot is being dumb

1. 2√3
2. 3√2
3. 5√5
4. 3 ^3√2 (2 is normal)
5. -2 ^ 3 √9 (9 is normal)

that is wrong

To simplify 12−−√, we first simplify the expression underneath the radical:

√12 can be simplified further by finding the largest perfect square that divides evenly into 12. The largest perfect square is 4 because 4 * 3 = 12.

Therefore, √12 = √(4 * 3) = √(4) * √(3) = 2√3.

So, 12−−√ simplified is 2√3.

To simplify 12−−√, we need to simplify the expression inside the square root (√).

Since there is a minus sign before the square root (√), we can rewrite it as a square root of a negative number:

12−−√ = 12−√−1

Now, let's simplify the square root of -1 (√−1). The square root of -1 is denoted as "i", which is an imaginary number.

So, 12−√−1 = 12−i

What is 18−−√ simplified?(1 point)

To simplify the expression 12 - √, we need to determine the value of the square root. However, it seems like you might be missing a number or another operation after the square root sign (√).

Please provide the complete expression or clarify the question, and I will be happy to assist you in finding the simplified form.

To simplify 125−−−√, we need to find the square root of 125:

√125 can be simplified by recognizing that 125 can be expressed as the square of a smaller number. The largest perfect cube that divides evenly into 125 is 5, because 5 * 5 * 5 = 125.

Therefore, √125 = √(5^3) = √(5^2 * 5) = 5√5.

So, 125−−−√ simplified is 5√5.


that is wrong!

thats incorrect