Do Canada and the US are located in north America

Yes, both Canada and the United States are located in North America.

Yes, both Canada and the United States are located in North America.

Yes, both Canada and the United States are located in North America. The continent of North America is made up of various countries, and Canada and the United States are the two largest countries on the continent.

If you want to confirm this information, there are a few ways you can do so.

1. Use an atlas or a physical map: Look for a world map or a map of North America. Find the region where Canada and the United States are located, which is usually in the northern part of the continent.

2. Search on the internet: Type the question into a search engine, such as Google, and you will likely find numerous reliable sources that confirm the fact that both Canada and the United States are in North America.

3. Consult a reference book: Look for reputable reference books such as encyclopedias, geography textbooks, or almanacs. These sources will provide reliable information about the location of Canada and the United States.

Remember, verifying information from multiple reliable sources is always a good practice to ensure accuracy.