HLIN1644 Assignment 3: Language contact [50 marks]

1. Discuss the influence of language contact on your home language. Focusing on the contact outcomes identifiable in your home language use? For example:
-code switching,
-language shift,
-language endangerment,
-language death,

Important reminders
• This should be a typed 4 pages long assignment excluding the reference page.
• Provide at least 4 references.

Language contact refers to the interaction between different languages, leading to the exchange of linguistic features and the influence on the development of languages. In the case of my home language, language contact has had several discernible outcomes, including borrowing, code-switching, and language shift.

Firstly, borrowing is a common outcome of language contact and has significantly influenced my home language. My home language, which is Telugu, has borrowed numerous words and phrases from other languages such as English and Hindi. For example, the English words "computer," "internet," and "mobile" have been borrowed directly into Telugu and are commonly used by Telugu speakers. Similarly, Hindi words like "namaste" and "dhanyavad" have also been incorporated into Telugu vocabulary. These borrowings contribute to the enrichment and expansion of Telugu lexicon, allowing speakers to express new concepts and ideas.

Secondly, code-switching is another outcome of language contact that is evident in my home language use. Code-switching refers to the alternation between two or more languages within a conversation. In my home, we often code-switch between Telugu and English. This is particularly common when discussing topics related to technology, education, or professional matters. Code-switching allows for efficient communication, as it allows speakers to choose the language that best expresses their thoughts and ideas. It also reflects the influence of English on my home language due to globalization and the prevalence of English as a global language.

Furthermore, language shift has also occurred in my home language as a result of language contact. Language shift refers to the gradual abandonment of a native language in favor of a more dominant language. In my family, there has been a noticeable shift towards English in certain domains, such as education and professional settings. Younger generations are increasingly using English as their primary means of communication, especially in urban areas and among those who have received education in English-medium schools. This shift is influenced by the perception that English is essential for success in academic and professional fields. As a consequence, there is a gradual decline in the use of Telugu as the language of everyday communication, leading to concerns about language endangerment and potentially language death in the future.

In conclusion, language contact has had a significant impact on my home language, Telugu. The outcomes of language contact in my home language include borrowing, code-switching, and language shift. Borrowing has enriched the Telugu vocabulary by incorporating words and phrases from other languages. Code-switching allows for efficient communication and reflects the influence of English on my home language. However, there is also evidence of language shift towards English, which may lead to language endangerment and potentially language death in the future. These outcomes highlight the dynamic nature of languages and the influence of language contact on their development.

To discuss the influence of language contact on your home language, you will need to research and analyze various contact outcomes that are identifiable in your home language use. Consider the following steps to write your assignment:

1. Introduction:
Start by introducing the concept of language contact and its significance. Briefly explain what language contact is and why it is important to study its influence on your home language.

2. Research your home language:
Conduct research on your home language to gather information about its history, development, and current status. Identify any notable linguistic features, including phonetics, grammar, lexicon, and sociolinguistic characteristics.

3. Identify contact outcomes:
Examine the influence of language contact on your home language by focusing on specific contact outcomes. Some common contact outcomes include:

a. Borrowing:
Discuss instances where your home language has borrowed words, phrases, or linguistic features from other languages due to contact. Provide examples and analyze the reasons for borrowing.

b. Code switching:
Explore the use of code switching in your home language, both in spoken and written contexts. Explain why and how individuals switch between languages during communication, and discuss the specific situations where code switching is prevalent in your community.

c. Language shift:
Investigate any evidence of language shift occurring in your home language. Examine if speakers are gradually shifting to another language due to societal or cultural factors. Discuss the reasons behind language shift and its impact on the vitality of your home language.

d. Language endangerment and death:
Assess whether your home language is endangered or at risk of extinction. Analyze the factors leading to language endangerment, such as declining speaker populations, lack of intergenerational transmission, or increased dominance of another language. Explore efforts, if any, to revitalize or preserve your home language.

4. Analysis and discussion:
Analyze the impact of these contact outcomes on your home language use. Consider how borrowing, code switching, language shift, or endangerment influence the linguistic structure, vocabulary, and overall sociolinguistic dynamics of your home language. Discuss the implications of these contact outcomes on language identity, cultural preservation, and community cohesion.

5. Conclusion:
Summarize your findings and conclusions regarding the influence of language contact on your home language. Reflect on the significance of maintaining and preserving your home language in the context of ongoing language contact. Finally, propose potential strategies or recommendations to address the challenges posed by language contact for the long-term survival and vitality of your home language.

Remember to support your analysis with at least four references from reliable sources. Cite these sources in-text and include a reference page at the end of your assignment.

Step 1: Introduction

Language contact refers to the interaction between different languages, which can result in various outcomes in terms of language use. In this assignment, we will discuss the influence of language contact on your home language and focus on the identifiable contact outcomes that have occurred. This will include borrowing, code switching, language shift, language endangerment, and language death. The discussion will be supported by at least 4 references.

Step 2: Borrowing
Borrowing is a common outcome of language contact, where words or phrases are borrowed from one language to another. In the context of your home language, you can identify the instances of borrowed words or loanwords from other languages. Discuss the impact of these borrowed words on your home language use, such as enriching the vocabulary or introducing new concepts.

Step 3: Code Switching
Code switching occurs when speakers switch between different languages within a single conversation or even within a sentence. Analyze the occurrence of code switching in your home language and discuss the reasons behind it. It could be due to bilingualism, social factors, or cultural practices. Provide examples of code switching and how it affects the use of your home language.

Step 4: Language Shift
Language shift refers to the process where speakers gradually shift from their native language to another language. Discuss if language shift has occurred in your home language community, leading to a reduction in home language use. Identify the reasons behind this language shift, such as migration, assimilation, or the dominance of another language.

Step 5: Language Endangerment
Language endangerment occurs when a language is at risk of disappearing. Evaluate the level of language endangerment in your home language. Discuss the factors contributing to this endangerment, such as the decline in native speakers, lack of institutional support, or the influence of a dominant language.

Step 6: Language Death
Language death refers to the complete loss of a language when there are no remaining native speakers. Reflect on whether your home language is facing the risk of language death. Discuss the consequences of language death and the impact it would have on your community's cultural identity.

Step 7: Conclusion
Summarize the key points discussed in the assignment regarding the influence of language contact on your home language. Emphasize the importance of understanding language contact outcomes in maintaining and preserving linguistic diversity.