What was the purpose of the Selma to Montgomery march in 1965?(1 point) Responses to demand an amendment to guarantee equal protection under the laws to demand an amendment to guarantee equal protection under the laws to demand a constitutional amendment to prohibit states from using race to prevent a person from voting to demand a constitutional amendment to prohibit states from using race to prevent a person from voting to demand that Jim Crow laws that suppressed Black voter registration be changed to demand that Jim Crow laws that suppressed Black voter registration be changed to demand that Congress pass a civil rights law ending segregation in public places to demand that Congress pass a civil rights law ending segregation in public places

The purpose of the Selma to Montgomery march in 1965 was to demand a constitutional amendment to prohibit states from using race to prevent a person from voting. Additionally, it aimed to demand that Jim Crow laws that suppressed Black voter registration be changed and to push for Congress to pass a civil rights law ending segregation in public places.

The purpose of the Selma to Montgomery march in 1965 was to demand a constitutional amendment to prohibit states from using race to prevent a person from voting. The march aimed to highlight the discriminatory practices and voter suppression faced by Black Americans, particularly in the southern states. It sought to bring attention to the need for federal intervention and legislative action to protect the voting rights of African Americans.

The purpose of the Selma to Montgomery march in 1965 was to demand a constitutional amendment to prohibit states from using race to prevent a person from voting. This march aimed to address the issue of voter suppression faced by Black individuals in the United States, especially in the southern states. The protesters were advocating for equal access and protection under the law, as they faced numerous discriminatory practices, such as poll taxes, literacy tests, and intimidation tactics, which hindered their ability to exercise their right to vote.

To get this answer, you can use various resources such as history books, documentaries, or reliable websites that provide information on the civil rights movement. Additionally, primary sources like speeches given by civil rights leaders, news articles from that time, or personal accounts of participants in the march can offer valuable insights into the purpose and significance of the Selma to Montgomery march in 1965.