Evaluate. Express your answer in scientific notation.

4.1 × 105 - 3.4 × 10°

4.1 × 105 - 3.4 × 10° = 4.1 × 105 - 3.4 = 409,000 - 3.4 = 408,996.6

In scientific notation, this is approximately 4.09 × 10⁵.

To evaluate the expression, we need to simplify it by subtracting the second term from the first term:

4.1 × 10^5 - 3.4 × 10^0

First, let's simplify each term separately:

4.1 × 10^5 = 410,000
3.4 × 10^0 = 3.4

Now, subtract the second term from the first term:

410,000 - 3.4 = 409,996.6

To express this answer in scientific notation, we need to move the decimal point to the right until there is only one non-zero digit to the left. In this case, we need to move the decimal point 5 places to the left:

409,996.6 = 4.099966 × 10^5

Therefore, the answer in scientific notation is 4.099966 × 10^5.

To evaluate this expression, we need to subtract the two numbers and express the answer in scientific notation.

First, let's subtract the numbers:

4.1 × 10^5 - 3.4 × 10^0

We can simplify this by expressing 3.4 as 3.4 × 10^0:

4.1 × 10^5 - 3.4 × 10^0 = 4.1 × 10^5 - 3.4 × 10^0

Now, subtract the two numbers:

= 4.1 × 10^5 - 3.4 × 10^0
= 4.1 × 10^5 - 3.4
= 4.1 × 10^5 - 3.4 × 1
= 4.1 × 10^5 - 3.4 × 10^0

To subtract these numbers, we need to align the exponents. Since 10^0 is equivalent to 1, we can write it as:

= 4.1 × 10^5 - 3.4 × 10^0
= 4.1 × 10^5 - 3.4 × 1
= 4.1 × 10^5 - 3.4 × 10^0

Now, we can subtract them:

= 4.1 × 10^5 - 3.4 × 10^0
= 4.1 × 10^5 - 3.4
= 4.1 × 10^5 - 3.4
= 4.1 × 10^5 - 3.4
= 409000 - 3.4
= 408996.6

Finally, we can express the answer in scientific notation:

408996.6 = 4.089966 × 10^5

So, the answer in scientific notation is 4.089966 × 10^5.

It’s wrong

I apologize for the incorrect answer.

The correct evaluation is as follows:

4.1 × 10^5 - 3.4 × 10^0

First, let's simplify each term separately:

4.1 × 10^5 = 410,000
3.4 × 10^0 = 3.4

Now, subtract the second term from the first term:

410,000 - 3.4 = 409,996.6

To express this answer in scientific notation, we need to move the decimal point to the right until there is only one non-zero digit to the left. In this case, we need to move the decimal point 5 places to the left:

409,996.6 = 4.099966 × 10^5

Therefore, the answer in scientific notation is 4.099966 × 10^5.