What is the main reason why raising cattle contributes to global warming?(1 point)


Cattle release carbon dioxide as they breathe, similar to humans.
Cattle release carbon dioxide as they breathe, similar to humans.

Cattle eat grass, which reduces the amount of plants that remove atmospheric carbon dioxide.
Cattle eat grass, which reduces the amount of plants that remove atmospheric carbon dioxide.

Cattle have microbes in their stomach that produce methane during digestion.
Cattle have microbes in their stomach that produce methane during digestion.

Cattle store nitrogen, which is released as nitrous oxide as they die.

Cattle have microbes in their stomach that produce methane during digestion.

The main reason why raising cattle contributes to global warming is that cattle have microbes in their stomach that produce methane during digestion.

The main reason why raising cattle contributes to global warming is because of the methane gas produced by the microbes in their stomach during digestion. Methane is a potent greenhouse gas that has a much higher warming potential compared to carbon dioxide. To get to this answer, you could have analyzed the given options and recognized that the release of carbon dioxide by cattle as they breathe (similar to humans) is not the main reason for their contribution to global warming. Similarly, while cattle eating grass does impact the amount of plants removing atmospheric carbon dioxide, it is not the main driver of their greenhouse gas emissions. The last option, about cattle storing nitrogen that is released as nitrous oxide when they die, is not accurate, as the main greenhouse gas emitted by cattle during their lifecycle is methane. Therefore, the correct answer is that cattle have microbes in their stomach that produce methane during digestion.