Canada is a blank which means that is has its own constitution but its head of state is the monarch of great Britain

constitutional monarchy

Canada is a parliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy, which means that it has its own constitution but its head of state is the monarch of Great Britain.

Canada is a constitutional monarchy. To understand this, let's break it down:

1. Constitution: Canada has its own constitution, known as the Constitution Act, 1867. This document outlines the framework of the Canadian government, including the distribution of powers between the federal and provincial governments, the rights and freedoms of individuals, and the structure of the judiciary, among other provisions.

2. Monarchy: Canada recognizes the monarch of the United Kingdom, currently Queen Elizabeth II, as its head of state. This means that the Queen is the ceremonial and symbolic figurehead of Canada, representing the country on a national and international level. However, the day-to-day governing power lies with elected officials, such as the Prime Minister.

So, when we say that Canada is a constitutional monarchy, it means that while the Queen of the United Kingdom serves as the titular head of state, her role is primarily symbolic and non-political. The actual governing and decision-making powers are vested in elected representatives and institutions that function under the framework of the Canadian constitution.