Which technique would be most useful in determining why

migrants are coming to the Miami City area of Miami,
Florida? (1 point)
quantitative research methods
experimental research
national statistics
a case study

A case study would be the most useful technique in determining why migrants are coming to the Miami City area of Miami, Florida. A case study allows for an in-depth examination of a specific instance or group, which would be beneficial in understanding the specific reasons why migrants are choosing to settle in that particular area. It would involve gathering qualitative data through interviews, observations, and analysis of relevant documents, providing a more comprehensive understanding of the motivations and factors influencing migration to Miami City.

A case study would be the most useful technique in determining why migrants are coming to the Miami City area of Miami, Florida.

The technique that would be most useful in determining why migrants are coming to the Miami City area of Miami, Florida would be a case study.

A case study involves in-depth examination and analysis of a specific case or situation. In this case, researchers would investigate the specific factors and circumstances related to migrants coming to the Miami City area. This can include gathering qualitative data through interviews, observations, surveys, and document analysis.

By conducting a case study, researchers can gain a comprehensive understanding of the migrant population in Miami City. They can explore factors such as push and pull factors that motivate migrants to move to the area, their socio-economic backgrounds, cultural and social influences, and any challenges or opportunities they encounter.

While quantitative research methods, experimental research, and national statistics can provide valuable insights, a case study allows for a more detailed examination of the specific context, complexities, and unique characteristics of migrant experiences in Miami City. It can provide a rich and nuanced understanding of the reasons behind migration patterns, enabling policymakers and organizations to make informed decisions and develop targeted strategies to address the needs of migrants.