Which sentence contains coordinate adjectives?(1 point)%0AResponses%0A%0AThe windy dirt road is hard to navigate on a bicycle.%0AThe windy dirt road is hard to navigate on a bicycle.%0A%0AThe road is bumpy, curvy, and long.%0AThe road is bumpy, curvy, and long.%0A%0AThe grass tickles the bottoms of Robert’s warm bare feet.%0AThe grass tickles the bottoms of Robert’s warm bare feet.%0A%0AThe road leads to a wide-open grass field where Rohan loves to run barefoot.

The road is bumpy, curvy, and long.

The sentence that contains coordinate adjectives is: "The road is bumpy, curvy, and long."

To identify coordinate adjectives, you need to look for a series of adjectives that modify the same noun independently. In this case, the adjectives "bumpy," "curvy," and "long" all describe the noun "road" separately. They are not connected by any conjunctions (like "and" or "or") or commas between them.

By analyzing the structure of the sentence and recognizing the use of adjectives that independently modify the same noun, we can identify the sentence that contains coordinate adjectives.

The sentence "The road is bumpy, curvy, and long." contains coordinate adjectives.