A 21 1/2 ounce box of cereal cost $3.87 what is the unit price of the cereal

To find the unit price of the cereal, divide the total cost of the cereal by the number of ounces in the box.

Total cost of the cereal = $3.87
Number of ounces in the box = 21 1/2 ounces

To convert 1/2 to decimals, divide 1 by 2 = 0.5

So, the number of ounces in the box = 21 + 0.5 = 21.5 ounces

Unit price of the cereal = Total cost / Number of ounces
Unit price of the cereal = $3.87 / 21.5 ounces

Dividing, the unit price of the cereal is approximately $0.18 per ounce.

To calculate the unit price of the cereal, divide the total cost of the cereal by the number of ounces in the box.

Unit price = Total cost / Number of ounces

In this case, the total cost of the cereal is $3.87 and the number of ounces in the box is 21 1/2.

To convert the 1/2 ounce to decimal form, divide 1 by 2, which equals 0.5.

So, the total number of ounces in the box is 21 + 0.5 = 21.5 ounces.

Now, divide the total cost of $3.87 by the number of ounces, which is 21.5.

Unit price = $3.87 / 21.5 ounces

Calculating this, the unit price of the cereal is approximately $0.18 per ounce.

To find the unit price of the cereal, you need to divide the total cost of the cereal by the quantity of cereal in the box.

In this case, the total cost of the cereal is $3.87 and the quantity of cereal in the box is 21 1/2 ounces.

To calculate the unit price, first, convert the mixed number 21 1/2 to a decimal. To do this, you multiply the whole number (21) by the denominator (2) and add the numerator (1). This gives you 43/2, which is equivalent to 21 1/2.

Next, divide the total cost of the cereal ($3.87) by the quantity of cereal in the box (43/2 ounces). You can do this by dividing the dollar amount and then multiplying by the reciprocal of the fraction:
$3.87 ÷ (43/2) = $3.87 × (2/43) ≈ $0.1798

Therefore, the unit price of the cereal is approximately $0.1798 per ounce.