Read the excerpt from The Call of the Wild.

Buck seized Thornton’s hand in this teeth. Thornton shook him back and forth. As though animated by a common impulse, the onlookers drew back to a respectful distance; nor were they again indiscreet enough to interrupt.

What does Buck seizing Thornton’s hand represent?


Buck seizing Thornton's hand represents success.

To interpret the significance of Buck seizing Thornton's hand in this excerpt from The Call of the Wild, we need to consider the context and analyze the actions described. Buck is a dog, and Thornton is his owner and companion in the story.

Buck seizing Thornton's hand suggests a strong emotional connection between the two characters. In this particular moment, it could be seen as a display of excitement or eagerness. Buck's action of seizing Thornton's hand with his teeth indicates enthusiasm or anticipation for something that is about to happen or an experience involving Thornton.

Therefore, out of the provided options, the closest representation of Buck seizing Thornton's hand would be anticipation. However, it is important to note that without further context, it may be challenging to definitively determine the exact intended meaning. Reading the surrounding paragraphs or the entire novel could provide more insight into the specific emotions conveyed in this scene.

Buck seizing Thornton's hand in this excerpt from The Call of the Wild represents success. This action signifies that Buck has achieved and accomplished something significant, likely related to his training or relationship with Thornton. The reaction of the onlookers, who draw back to a respectful distance and refrain from interrupting, suggests that they recognize and acknowledge Buck's achievement.