Which example shows an object acted on by two balanced forces%3F(1 point) Responses A baseball rolling to a stop A baseball rolling to a stop A car moving at a constant speed in a constant direction A car moving at a constant speed in a constant direction A snowflake landing on a roof A snowflake landing on a roof A skateboard rolling down a hill with increasing speed

A car moving at a constant speed in a constant direction

To determine which example shows an object acted on by two balanced forces, we need to understand the concept of balanced forces.

Balanced forces refer to forces that are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction, resulting in the object experiencing no change in its motion. This means the object can be either at rest or moving with a constant speed in a constant direction.

Looking at the given choices:
- A baseball rolling to a stop: In this scenario, there is likely a force (such as friction) acting in the opposite direction of the baseball's motion. Thus, this example does not exhibit balanced forces since the forces are not equal in magnitude and opposite in direction.
- A car moving at a constant speed in a constant direction: If the car is maintaining a constant speed and direction, it suggests that the forces acting on it are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction, resulting in balanced forces.
- A snowflake landing on a roof: A snowflake landing on a roof is governed by gravitational force pulling it downwards, but since the roof does not exert a force that is equal in magnitude and opposite in direction, this scenario does not show balanced forces.
- A skateboard rolling down a hill with increasing speed: In this scenario, the skateboard is accelerating, meaning there is an unbalanced force acting on it. Thus, the forces are not balanced.

Out of the options provided, only "A car moving at a constant speed in a constant direction" demonstrates an object acted on by two balanced forces.

The example that shows an object acted on by two balanced forces is:

A car moving at a constant speed in a constant direction.

Speed, unlike acceleration or velocity, does NOT specify _______.(1 point) Responses Distance Distance Mass Mass Time Time Direction
