A bag of sugar weighs 6⅖kg. What is the weight of 6¼ such bags?

To find the weight of 6¼ bags, we need to multiply the weight of one bag by 6¼.

The weight of one bag is 6⅖ kg = 6 + 2/5 kg = 6.4 kg

So, the weight of 6¼ bags is 6.4 kg * 6¼ = 6.4 kg * (6 + 2/4) = 6.4*6 + 6.4 * 2/5 = 38.4 + 12.8/5 = 230.4 / 5 + 12.8/5 = 48 + 2.56 = 50.56 kg. Answer: \boxed{50.56}.

To find the weight of 6¼ bags, we can multiply the weight of one bag by the number of bags.

Weight of one bag = 6⅖ kg

Let's convert 6⅖ to an improper fraction:
6 = 5 + 1 = 5⅖
So, 6⅖ = 5⅖ + 1⅖ = (5+1)⅖ = 6/5/5

Weight of one bag = 6/5/5 kg

Number of bags = 6¼

Now, we can multiply the weight of one bag by the number of bags to get the total weight:

Weight of 6¼ bags = (6/5/5 kg) × (6¼)

To multiply fractions, we can multiply the numerators together and the denominators together:

Weight of 6¼ bags = (6/5/5) × (25/4)

Multiplying the numerators (6 × 25) gives:
Weight of 6¼ bags = (150/5) × (25/4)

Multiplying the denominators (5 × 4) gives:
Weight of 6¼ bags = (150/20) × (25/1)

Simplifying the fractions gives:
Weight of 6¼ bags = (75/2) × 25

To multiply fractions, we can multiply the numerators and the denominators:

Weight of 6¼ bags = (75 × 25) / (2 × 1)
Weight of 6¼ bags = 1875 / 2

Now, let's divide 1875 by 2 to get the final weight:

Weight of 6¼ bags = 937.5 kg

Therefore, the weight of 6¼ bags is 937.5 kg.

To find the weight of 6¼ bags, we first need to determine the weight of one bag.

Given that a bag of sugar weighs 6⅖ kg, we can convert the mixed number into a fraction.

6⅖ is equivalent to the fraction 6 + 2/5.

To convert this mixed number to an improper fraction, we multiply the whole number by the denominator of the fraction and add the numerator.

So, 6⅖ becomes (6 * 5 + 2)/5 = 32/5 kg.

Now, we can find the weight of 6¼ bags by multiplying the weight of one bag (32/5 kg) by 6¼.

To convert 6¼ into an improper fraction, we multiply the whole number by the denominator and add the numerator.

6¼ becomes (6 * 4 + 1)/4 = 25/4.

Now, we can multiply the two fractions:

(32/5 kg) * (25/4) = (32 * 25)/(5 * 4) = 800/20 = 40 kg.

Therefore, the weight of 6¼ bags is 40 kg.