Find the cube root of —343 ³√—343

The cube root of -343 is -7 because -7 * -7 * -7 equals -343.

To find the cube root of -343, we need to find the number that, when multiplied by itself thrice, gives us -343.

One way to calculate this is to use the exponentiation rule for negative numbers. A negative number raised to an odd power retains its negative sign.

In this case, the cube of -7 is -7 × -7 × -7 = -343. Therefore, the cube root of -343 is -7.

So, the cube root of -343 is -7.

To find the cube root of -343, we need to find the number that, when raised to the power of 3, equals -343.

Since -7 x -7 x -7 = -343, the cube root of -343 is -7.

Therefore, ³√(-343) = -7.